Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Skin You're In...

Beautiful. Intelligent. Witty. Sexy. Handsome. Many people long to hear these words fall from the lips of their peers, significant others and even strangers only to question whether or not they are truth. My question then becomes, does it matter? Hell no!

I have always been an advocate of loving and cherishing oneself regardless of the flaws that one may possess. I know this is easier said then done considering outside influences like peoples personal preferences, society and most of all media. But at what cost to our mental well being do we allow those things to influence how we feel about ourselves? Truth is, many of us are suffering from depression, anxiety and low self esteem because we don't think enough of who we are and what we bring to the world. Now, I am not saying to walk around thinking you're the hottest thing next to the second coming. But hold your head up and be proud of who you are, what you look like and where you are in life. The struggle is real and the fact that you are still standing and pushing says that you deserve and have earned your place here.

I have learned not to put too much emphasis on other peoples assessments, opinions and judgements regarding my beauty, weight and status in life. I happen to think I am pretty magical and I am sure many of you are special people as well. It just takes for you to shut out the world and really look at yourself. The other day I was chatting it up with a co-worker regarding what my next post was going to be and I told her I was tossing around the idea of a post about loving oneself . She then responded by saying very assertively, "Do I look like I give a fuck what people think" and laughed. At that moment I saw her true beauty. It was in her confidence and love of herself and all of her facets. Her comment made me think of men I dated that have mentioned my height, weight and social status as issues they couldn't see past. Having reflected on those situations, I realized I was never the problem. The problem was that they were insecure about how people would perceive us physically and socially. That being said, their rejection was a blessing in disguise. 

See loves, we are all imperfectly perfect and if someone decides to come out of their pie hole and tell you otherwise...they suck. They are probably deflecting their insecurities off on you. However, I will say that if there is something that you don't like about yourself, than make a conscious positive effort to change. But if you happen to be changing yourself for validation from others, my dear your efforts will be futile and you will never see the fruits of your labor. You want to know why? Many people hate who they are and are faking the funk trying to be something they aren't. So don't go out and try to wrap yourself in pretty packaging when you are rotting away on the inside. Instead dig up those weeds, till your inner soil and plant new seeds. These new seeds are self affirmations and they need to be watered and nurtured every day. You can do this through fitness, yoga, reading, journaling, reflecting, leaving yourself love notes and even praying. Loving who you are is a great start to loving others for who they are and not judging them for who they are not. 

It is your the most beautiful person in it,



  1. Took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes..

    1. I am sure its still a battle. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. I am sometimes my harshest critic. Not sure if its bc I know better or bc I am unconsciously pursuing something not meant for me. I try to be rational and that usually gives me perspective and ensures I am doing things for the right reason.

  2. Beautiful post. My favorite ways are fitness, journaling, and meditation. Getting to know yourself and cherish yourself just as you are is priceless, and so important.

    1. Thank you very much! I dabble in all of the things I mentioned, but I definitely need to work on my yoga and meditation. I almost killed myself trying to grab my feet while on my belly the other day. Pure comedy.

  3. I adore this! Your words are so beautiful and so so true!! Thank you for sharing!!

