Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lets Talk About Sex ...Baby

A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend and we got on the subject of sex and how we put ourselves in situations where we regret having done the horizontal tango with a gentleman caller not quite deserving of the goodies. As our conversation proceeded, I thought of all of my sexual encounters and realized I have been in that situation more than I care to admit. What was worse than having had engaged in meaningless sex, was the feeling that lingered once the act was done. Complete and utter self loathing. I then wondered if men also experience the same type of self loathing. Hopefully, some of my male readers will leave some commentary.

As a woman I think we are more apt to feeling compassion, empathy and sympathy when it comes to men and their pursuit of the nookie. Normally we tend to consider how much time has been invested, any tokens of affection that may have been given and ultimately whether or not there is potential for more past the sexual encounter itself. These considerations usually come into play when we have been dating someone for a reasonable period of time and usually don't result in that feeling of self loathing. If nothing comes of the situation post sex, we can usually chalk it up to a lesson learned and another notch on our four poster bed. However, what do you do when you end up having sex with someone against your better judgement?

Yes, this is the dilemma many women face and often times agonize over because we didn't listen to our instincts and bail. I have learned to discern that regardless of how romantic, funny, smart and attractive a person is, that doesn't mean that I have to part my legs like the Red Sea and ride him like the lone ranger. As a matter of fact, I usually rely and sometimes summon that gut instinct that causes all of my red flags to go up and let me know that the situation is not worth it and in turn is going to end up going south. But sometimes we get weak, second guess ourselves because of some sorry excuse we conjured up and jump right in the sack. BIG MISTAKE. That type of sex is like an outer body experience where your conscious and vagina are in a corner coaching you through the situation so you don't cry. We usually walk away from these situations feeling and looking like hell and then wondering what happened. Truth is, we made a terrible decision and need to accept responsibility.

There is no sense in beating yourself up about the situation since it has already occurred. The best thing to do is evaluate why you questioned your judgement in the first place. This usually has something to do with underlying issues of trust resulting from previous decisions that went awry. In all honestly, sex with a partner is something that one should approach rationally. It may even mean cutting yourself off until you can better appreciate yourself and what gifts you and Ms. Kitty have to offer. Every time we sleep with someone, we leave a piece of ourselves with that person that we can never get back. After a while, you sit and reflect and realize how much of yourself you've given away and you have nothing to show for your gift giving. I have been there and it isn't pretty. It can leave you feeling bitter and angry, both with yourself and your partners. But lets be real, they have moved on and you're still trying to pick up the pieces of you that they threw away. YOU, my dear friend, are worth KEEPING. You are beautiful, intelligent, classy and PRICELESS. So the lesson here is to value what you have to offer sexually, trust your instincts and most of all make rational thought out decisions. You will thank yourself later when your husband is telling you how much he loves you and respects you sexually.

Heres to you and your good judgement,



  1. Well I am proud to say I've jumped over that "meaningless sex" sink hole MANY times for this precise reason. So thank you for making me feel even better about my decision to be extremely selective! My better judgement wins! art work? 😔

  2. I loved this blog because I felt as thought you were in tuned to the struggles women face. Am I comfortable with having a no strings attached existence or do I hold out for the meaningful, more fulfilling relationship. What if I never meet that Mr. Right and recognize that It may be 1,2, 3, 4, years of aloneness or giving in and settling for those few moments of physical release. Can't even bring myself to say pleasure. At the end of the day when I do give in, I am left feeling less than. It's too big a compromise for me. I cannot rationalize those moments as being a justification for my physical needs. I feel less than and have reached a place in my life where I now say with all sincerity, I deserve more and I shall wait for that right moment.

  3. Men absolutely loath after having meaningless sex with someone who we have known for about a week. You start to think to yourself "what the hell am I doing?" There reaches a point where you don't have any type of emotion even in the act. You ask yourself "where's the passion?"
