I'm Mia and at the advisement of a few people I have decided to create a space where I can address my issues and create a forum for discussion on many other issues affecting my generation. The importance of creating this blog became more precedent over the past two weeks as conversations with friends and my own personal experiences seemed to bare the same truth...we have become disillusioned.
I am giving myself one year to get things right professionally, emotionally, romantically and personally. The thought of taking on this endeavor and bringing others along on this journey seemed quite fitting. I understand that this blog may not appeal to the masses and that's fine because that was not why it was created. It was created for those of us who get stuck inside our own heads, those of us who care a little more than we should and most of all those of us who want to change ourselves and the world in which we exist. This will not be an easy undertaking and may result in some harsh criticism and the loss of many followers, but with loss also comes rebirth and growth. I encourage you all to grow with me, this blog and the community I hope to create.
I hope to make this blog a movement and with that promote some of my friends art and ideas. I appreciate all of those who are willing to walk with me, talk with me and leave feedback.
Love & Light,